About Us

About Us


At HESP’s heart, we believe in the power of education and the crucial role that educational support personnel play in shaping the future of our students. This platform is designed to provide a hub of resources, information, and connections for all those who contribute to the well-being and growth of our educational community.

We are a dedicated group of individuals committed to supporting the educational ecosystem in Houston. Our diverse team of educators, administrators, counselors, and support staff work collaboratively to ensure that every student receives the best possible learning experience. We understand that education is a collective effort, and our aim is to provide the necessary tools and assistance to empower our educators to excel in their roles.

AFT Powerful Partnerships Institute

The AFT’s Powerful Partnerships Institute provides $1.5 million of direct assistance to AFT affiliates, parent groups and community organizations to do grass-roots engagement work in local communities focused on helping kids recover and thrive.

This program is a commitment made by the AFT as part of its What Kids and Communities Need campaign—an initiative that focuses on making investments in public schools and communities to make sure students have the essentials they need to recover and thrive. The Powerful Partnerships Institute grants aim to support community engagement by helping parents and teachers find new ways to work together for the benefit of students and neighborhoods.